Monday, November 1, 2010

While Drinking, Baby Elephant Trunk Bitten Crocodile

Baby Elephant Trunk Bitten Crocodile All this time, we often heard how fierce tigers or African lions hunting their prey, such as horses, cattle, bison, buffalo, and deer. Or crocodiles that lurk the animals were drinking near the swamp hideout.

But there is a rare occurrence that was caught on camera amateur photographer named Johan Opperman (38) when visiting the Kruger National Park in South Africa. This photo published by The Sun, October 28, 2010.

In the photo it appears the baby elephant is engrossed with its trunk drinking water in the swamp. Suddenly, a large crocodile emerged from the swamp and straight clamping it proboscis with a strong molar teeth.

Attraction between an elephant and a baby crocodile take a few moments. The baby elephant also has a strong power so it can pull it up to the mainland crocodile marsh boundary.

The baby elephant roaring and called his family shortly elephant troupe came to help.

The elephants was trying to save the baby with wail and stepped on his foot on alligator body. The scene is much like the fight between the elephants and crocodiles.

Because the herd of elephants and crocodiles beaten for his life, eventually prey is in sight it was secrete.

Johan said the incident during the day and do not usually crocodile dare mess with this giant animal. Was predictable, crocodile failed to lunch. "I think this is very rare and, as far as I know, crocodiles do not usually try to catch the elephants," said Johan.

Very amazing moments!

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